Origin: Italy
Classification: Light: Rare
Egg colour: White
Origin: Italy
Classification: Light: Rare
Egg colour: White
British Buttercup breeders in the 1920s disagreed with the type of birds being shown by Americans, finding them too weighty compared to the original farmyard fowl. Imports were made directly from Sicily, and a separate Sicilian Flowerbird Club was formed. This club aimed to restore Sicilian fowl to the original Italian type. Unfortunately, this did not survive past 1928 and Flowerbirds have rarely been seen at shows since.
General characteristics: male
Carriage : Upright and active.
Type: Body medium length and depth, broad breast carried well forward. Back long, broad and straight, sloping to saddle and rising a little to tail. Large wings, carried neatly. Well-feathered tail, carried at an angle of 45 to 75 degrees from the horizontal.
Head: Skull and Beak of medium size. Eyes full and alert. Comb cup, a single leader beginning at base of beak and joined to a cup-shaped crown set firmly on centre of skull and surmounted with well-defined and regular points, of medium size and fine texture, as free as possible from internal growth, an opening at the back is permissible. Earlobes almond shaped, fine texture. Wattles medium size, fine texture.
Neck: Rather long, with flowing hackle.
Legs: Rather slender, not too short. Shanks fine and free from feathers. Toes (four) straight.
With the exception of a more horizontal carriage, the general characteristics are similar to those of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.
General characteristics: male
Carriage : Upright and active.
Type: Body medium length and depth, broad breast carried well forward. Back long, broad and straight, sloping to saddle and rising a little to tail. Large wings, carried neatly. Well-feathered tail, carried at an angle of 45 to 75 degrees from the horizontal.
Head: Skull and Beak of medium size. Eyes full and alert. Comb cup, a single leader beginning at base of beak and joined to a cup-shaped crown set firmly on centre of skull and surmounted with well-defined and regular points, of medium size and fine texture, as free as possible from internal growth, an opening at the back is permissible. Earlobes almond shaped, fine texture. Wattles medium size, fine texture.
Neck: Rather long, with flowing hackle.
Legs: Rather slender, not too short. Shanks fine and free from feathers. Toes (four) straight.
With the exception of a more horizontal carriage, the general characteristics are similar to those of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.
Please contact the breed registrar for more information