Constitution Feb 2021 (Postal due to pandemic)
The name of the club shall be The Rare Poultry Society (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Society’) and the office of the Society shall be at such place as may from time to time be decided by the committee.
a. To promote and protect rare poultry breeds (as recognised by The Poultry Club of Great Britain PCGB), as a not for profit organisation.
b. To maintain, and for new breeds produce new, breed standards, and promote the improvement of the breeds to meet those standards.
c. To take whatever steps the Committee feels necessary to save a breed if it is on the verge of extinction.
‘Rare’ poultry breeds are those without their own PCGB recognised breed society. Excluded from the Society are non-standard versions of already standardised breeds with their own breed clubs, and game breeds with no tradition of exhibition.
The Society’s activities will include:
a. providing information and assistance to members and supporters by various means including meetings, events, newsletters, website, and online forums.
b. maintaining a members, breeders, and keeper’s directory. Information contained in such lists to be data protected - see below.
c. promoting the exhibition of rare breed poultry and educating breeders and judges on the standards.
d. submitting new standards to PCGB.
e. raising awareness of the breeds.
The administration of the Society shall be invested in a committee acting on behalf of the membership. All members of the committee must be fully paid members of the Society and be over 18 years of age.
The committee shall consist of up to 12 members plus officers: President, Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Members shall elect officers and committee members annually at the AGM, officers shall be elected at the AGM every two years in odd years President, Chairman, Treasurer and even years Vice President, Vice Chairman and Secretary and committee members who shall be elected at the AGM every three years; to ensure continuity one third of the committee will stand down each year. Where members of the committee retire before the end of their term, lots will be drawn at the 1st committee meeting as to whom of the newly elected committee take their place in the rotation.
Nominations for committee membership must be made in writing to the secretary at least two weeks prior to the AGM or at the AGM. Each candidate must have a proposer and seconder who must be fully paid up members.
All officers, except the chairman, shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Society. In the event of a tie, the chairman will have the casting vote.
The committee may fill a vacancy occurring during the year. Such a committee member will have full voting rights and must stand down at the next AGM.
The committee have the right to co-opt up to three members, who will not have any voting rights and must stand down at the next AGM.
All officers and committee members can stand for re-election.
The club shall consist of members paying an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be decided at an AGM or such other general meeting convened for that purpose.
The subscription is due 1st January each year. Unpaid members will be deleted from the membership list on 31st March. A reminder will be included in the February newsletter. After this date, membership will be terminated, and no further newsletters will be sent.
No one shall be entitled to vote, or to have any of the rights and privileges of membership, until the secretary or treasurer has received the appropriate subscription.
The categories of membership are:
a. adult: person over the age of 18 years at the time of joining.
b. juvenile: any person under the age of 18 years at the time of joining.
c. family: married or co-habiting couples and their children under the age of 18 years, all residing at the same address. The family will have a maximum of two votes only for those over 18 years at the time of joining.
d. corporate any unincorporated association or company, their vote may be exercised by a nominated representative over the age of 18 years.
Data Protection - for security reasons the membership list shall not be issued or made public, and members’ details shall not be divulged to anyone without authority.
The committee shall have the right to refuse or terminate membership and expel any member (on a temporary or permanent basis) if, in their opinion, the person, unincorporated association or company has engaged in:
a. behaviour in contravention of these rules.
b. behaviour in contravention of PCGB or other relevant show rules.
c. rude, intimidating, or bullying behaviour towards another member of the Society or the Fancy (whether in person, in writing, or electronically).
d. other activities or behaviour deemed to have brought the Society, the breeds, the PCGB or the Fancy into disrepute.
Members must be aware of the Code of Conduct and Policies e.g. bullying and harassment, complaints, grievance procedure, disciplinary procedure. These will be on the RPS website, alternatively copies can be obtained from the secretary.
The financial year end shall be 30th September or such date as the committee shall decide. Members will be presented with audited accounts at the following AGM.
A quorum for all general meetings shall be 6 Members and include at least one officer. All committee members and officers must be given 10 working days’ notice of the meeting via email, post, or phone.
The committee will meet as often as required. The committee will not be required to meet in person and may do so remotely if it deems fit e.g. by conference call or by email.
All cheques must be signed by the treasurer (or, in their absence, a nominated officer) and one other. Only one member of a family can be put forward as a cheque signatory.
The AGM shall be held every year, not less than 6 weeks nor more than 6 months after the end of the financial year, and not more than 15 months apart. Resolutions to be proposed at the AGM must be sent in writing to the Secretary at least one calendar month before the meeting. The date and place of the next AGM will be announced at the end of the last AGM, and published in the newsletter. The business to be transacted at the AGM shall include the presentation of an annual report and statement of accounts, and the election of officers, committee members, and auditor.
An EGM may be called at the direction of the committee, or on application in writing signed by either 10 members or 25% of the membership, whichever is the lower number, stating the business they wish to conduct. The members’ application must be sent to the secretary. All members shall be notified of an EGM, and of the business to be transacted, at least 30 days prior to the meeting. The time and place of such a meeting to be decided by the committee and the meeting shall be held within 45 days of the application being received.
All trophies remain the property of the Society and shall be awarded only to fully paid members of the Society. They shall be held until next due to be awarded, at which time they should be returned to the secretary. Every trophy winner shall sign that they are fully responsible for that trophy and its return at the due time.
A group of breeders wishing to form a separate breed club for an RPS listed breed should announce its intentions at an AGM. The new club would have a year in which to organise its affairs showing evidence that it can stand alone. At the next AGM a proposal can, be made that it be recognised by the RPS, subject to the approval of the PCGB. Any relevant breed trophies would become the property of the new club but would be returned to the RPS should the breed club fold.
Any resolution to amend or vary this Constitution must receive the assent of at least three quarters of those present and voting at a General Meeting of the Society, due and valid notice of the meeting and the resolution having been given.
In the event of the winding up or dissolution of the Society the remaining assets, after paying off all debts, will be transferred to The Poultry Club of Great Britain (charity number 298415).
The name of the club shall be The Rare Poultry Society (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Society’) and the office of the Society shall be at such place as may from time to time be decided by the committee.
a. To promote and protect rare poultry breeds (as recognised by The Poultry Club of Great Britain PCGB), as a not for profit organisation.
b. To maintain, and for new breeds produce new, breed standards, and promote the improvement of the breeds to meet those standards.
c. To take whatever steps the Committee feels necessary to save a breed if it is on the verge of extinction.
‘Rare’ poultry breeds are those without their own PCGB recognised breed society. Excluded from the Society are non-standard versions of already standardised breeds with their own breed clubs, and game breeds with no tradition of exhibition.
The Society’s activities will include:
a. providing information and assistance to members and supporters by various means including meetings, events, newsletters, website, and online forums.
b. maintaining a members, breeders, and keeper’s directory. Information contained in such lists to be data protected - see below.
c. promoting the exhibition of rare breed poultry and educating breeders and judges on the standards.
d. submitting new standards to PCGB.
e. raising awareness of the breeds.
The administration of the Society shall be invested in a committee acting on behalf of the membership. All members of the committee must be fully paid members of the Society and be over 18 years of age.
The committee shall consist of up to 12 members plus officers: President, Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Members shall elect officers and committee members annually at the AGM, officers shall be elected at the AGM every two years in odd years President, Chairman, Treasurer and even years Vice President, Vice Chairman and Secretary and committee members who shall be elected at the AGM every three years; to ensure continuity one third of the committee will stand down each year. Where members of the committee retire before the end of their term, lots will be drawn at the 1st committee meeting as to whom of the newly elected committee take their place in the rotation.
Nominations for committee membership must be made in writing to the secretary at least two weeks prior to the AGM or at the AGM. Each candidate must have a proposer and seconder who must be fully paid up members.
All officers, except the chairman, shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Society. In the event of a tie, the chairman will have the casting vote.
The committee may fill a vacancy occurring during the year. Such a committee member will have full voting rights and must stand down at the next AGM.
The committee have the right to co-opt up to three members, who will not have any voting rights and must stand down at the next AGM.
All officers and committee members can stand for re-election.
The club shall consist of members paying an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be decided at an AGM or such other general meeting convened for that purpose.
The subscription is due 1st January each year. Unpaid members will be deleted from the membership list on 31st March. A reminder will be included in the February newsletter. After this date, membership will be terminated, and no further newsletters will be sent.
No one shall be entitled to vote, or to have any of the rights and privileges of membership, until the secretary or treasurer has received the appropriate subscription.
The categories of membership are:
a. adult: person over the age of 18 years at the time of joining.
b. juvenile: any person under the age of 18 years at the time of joining.
c. family: married or co-habiting couples and their children under the age of 18 years, all residing at the same address. The family will have a maximum of two votes only for those over 18 years at the time of joining.
d. corporate any unincorporated association or company, their vote may be exercised by a nominated representative over the age of 18 years.
Data Protection - for security reasons the membership list shall not be issued or made public, and members’ details shall not be divulged to anyone without authority.
The committee shall have the right to refuse or terminate membership and expel any member (on a temporary or permanent basis) if, in their opinion, the person, unincorporated association or company has engaged in:
a. behaviour in contravention of these rules.
b. behaviour in contravention of PCGB or other relevant show rules.
c. rude, intimidating, or bullying behaviour towards another member of the Society or the Fancy (whether in person, in writing, or electronically).
d. other activities or behaviour deemed to have brought the Society, the breeds, the PCGB or the Fancy into disrepute.
Members must be aware of the Code of Conduct and Policies e.g. bullying and harassment, complaints, grievance procedure, disciplinary procedure. These will be on the RPS website, alternatively copies can be obtained from the secretary.
The financial year end shall be 30th September or such date as the committee shall decide. Members will be presented with audited accounts at the following AGM.
A quorum for all general meetings shall be 6 Members and include at least one officer. All committee members and officers must be given 10 working days’ notice of the meeting via email, post, or phone.
The committee will meet as often as required. The committee will not be required to meet in person and may do so remotely if it deems fit e.g. by conference call or by email.
All cheques must be signed by the treasurer (or, in their absence, a nominated officer) and one other. Only one member of a family can be put forward as a cheque signatory.
The AGM shall be held every year, not less than 6 weeks nor more than 6 months after the end of the financial year, and not more than 15 months apart. Resolutions to be proposed at the AGM must be sent in writing to the Secretary at least one calendar month before the meeting. The date and place of the next AGM will be announced at the end of the last AGM, and published in the newsletter. The business to be transacted at the AGM shall include the presentation of an annual report and statement of accounts, and the election of officers, committee members, and auditor.
An EGM may be called at the direction of the committee, or on application in writing signed by either 10 members or 25% of the membership, whichever is the lower number, stating the business they wish to conduct. The members’ application must be sent to the secretary. All members shall be notified of an EGM, and of the business to be transacted, at least 30 days prior to the meeting. The time and place of such a meeting to be decided by the committee and the meeting shall be held within 45 days of the application being received.
All trophies remain the property of the Society and shall be awarded only to fully paid members of the Society. They shall be held until next due to be awarded, at which time they should be returned to the secretary. Every trophy winner shall sign that they are fully responsible for that trophy and its return at the due time.
A group of breeders wishing to form a separate breed club for an RPS listed breed should announce its intentions at an AGM. The new club would have a year in which to organise its affairs showing evidence that it can stand alone. At the next AGM a proposal can, be made that it be recognised by the RPS, subject to the approval of the PCGB. Any relevant breed trophies would become the property of the new club but would be returned to the RPS should the breed club fold.
Any resolution to amend or vary this Constitution must receive the assent of at least three quarters of those present and voting at a General Meeting of the Society, due and valid notice of the meeting and the resolution having been given.
In the event of the winding up or dissolution of the Society the remaining assets, after paying off all debts, will be transferred to The Poultry Club of Great Britain (charity number 298415).