A good dual-purpose breed, the Neiderrheiner was first developed around 1939 from Belgian Malines, Dutch North Holland Blues, British Orpingtons and American Plymouth Rocks. The bantams and their colour varieties were created circa 1949.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Upright, compact form.
Type: Body boxy, full and wide. Prominent, rounded breast. Well-developed abdomen. Back horizontal and well furnished with saddle hackles. Wings hanging and full feathered. Square in the transition from saddle to tail. Tail at 45 degree angle.
Head: Medium size, skull rounded. Face unfeathered, of fine texture. Eyes small to medium sized. Beak rather short and curved. Comb single, medium, fine textured, with 4-6 spikes, following the neckline. Earlobes medium sized and well-rounded.
Neck: Medium length, slightly curved with full hackles.
Legs and Feet: Straight and wide set under the body. Four toes, straight and well-spaced.
Plumage: Well developed with rich decorative feathers.
No significant differences between cock and hen except secondary sexual characteristics.
Bantam Neiderrheiners should follow the exact standard of the large fowl.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Upright, compact form.
Type: Body boxy, full and wide. Prominent, rounded breast. Well-developed abdomen. Back horizontal and well furnished with saddle hackles. Wings hanging and full feathered. Square in the transition from saddle to tail. Tail at 45 degree angle.
Head: Medium size, skull rounded. Face unfeathered, of fine texture. Eyes small to medium sized. Beak rather short and curved. Comb single, medium, fine textured, with 4-6 spikes, following the neckline. Earlobes medium sized and well-rounded.
Neck: Medium length, slightly curved with full hackles.
Legs and Feet: Straight and wide set under the body. Four toes, straight and well-spaced.
Plumage: Well developed with rich decorative feathers.
No significant differences between cock and hen except secondary sexual characteristics.
Bantam Neiderrheiners should follow the exact standard of the large fowl.
Please contact the breed registrar for more information - [email protected]