The Groninger Meeuwen is a powerfully built farmyard fowl with a dense body well-defined chest and slightly sloping back, making the posture almost horizontal. The tail should not be carried as high as in Friesian Fowl, with a clear type difference between the two breeds.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Almost horizonal
Type: Back and saddle broad to medium, with faint slope to tail. Chest broad and full, carried slightly forward. Wings strong and fairly long, carried high and closed, resting on the flanks. Shoulders broad. Tail well developed, slightly fanned and carried backwards. Sickle feathers wide and well curved, tail-coverts plentiful. Abdomen deep and full. Thighs of medium size, quite sturdy, and well feathered.
Head: Medium sized, slightly long. Feather of the head quite fine. Face sparsely covered with fine hair-like feathers. Comb single, medium sized, not too high, even and not cut too deep, 5 or 6 serrations, fine texture, straight and standing upright. The comb does not follow the line of the neck, but is held horizontally. Beak short, only slightly bent at the tip. Wattles small to medium, quite short, thin and of fine texture and well rounded. Earlobes oval and quite small. Eyes rather large with a vivid expression.
Neck: Medium length, held erect with a slight curve. Hackle substantially developed on the front of the neck, shoulders and back partly covered by hackle.
Legs and Feet: Straight and wide set under the body. Four toes, straight and well-spaced.
Plumage: Well developed with rich decorative feathers. Wide saddle hackles in the cock, covering the wing tips.
The characteristics are the same as for the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.
The standard to be an exact miniature of the large fowl.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Almost horizonal
Type: Back and saddle broad to medium, with faint slope to tail. Chest broad and full, carried slightly forward. Wings strong and fairly long, carried high and closed, resting on the flanks. Shoulders broad. Tail well developed, slightly fanned and carried backwards. Sickle feathers wide and well curved, tail-coverts plentiful. Abdomen deep and full. Thighs of medium size, quite sturdy, and well feathered.
Head: Medium sized, slightly long. Feather of the head quite fine. Face sparsely covered with fine hair-like feathers. Comb single, medium sized, not too high, even and not cut too deep, 5 or 6 serrations, fine texture, straight and standing upright. The comb does not follow the line of the neck, but is held horizontally. Beak short, only slightly bent at the tip. Wattles small to medium, quite short, thin and of fine texture and well rounded. Earlobes oval and quite small. Eyes rather large with a vivid expression.
Neck: Medium length, held erect with a slight curve. Hackle substantially developed on the front of the neck, shoulders and back partly covered by hackle.
Legs and Feet: Straight and wide set under the body. Four toes, straight and well-spaced.
Plumage: Well developed with rich decorative feathers. Wide saddle hackles in the cock, covering the wing tips.
The characteristics are the same as for the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.
The standard to be an exact miniature of the large fowl.
Please contact the breed registrar for more information - [email protected]