The Dandarawi is an old Egyptian breed hailing from the district in and around Dandera where it is bred solely for egg production. It is one of the very few recognized breeds within Egypt. It has an unusual divided comb and may be related to ancient Bedouin Fowl. Males are silver-grey in colour, females wheaten. Chicks are sex-linked, female chicks have a small black head spot. They are very hardy, extremely active, small-boned and early maturing. They are an excellent layer of approximately 260 small eggs per year on a meagre diet.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: very alert and active with a proud and upright bearing
Type: Body moderately narrow with a fine boned frame. Back of moderate length. Breast rounded but not prominent. Wings of moderate length carried well tucked up and close to body. Tail well-furnished and abundant. Sickles well arched long and flowing. Tail carriage well spread and high, not squirrel.
Head: Medium size. Beak medium length, strong, lightly curved. Eyes medium size and round. Comb is divided, i.e. an elongated cup shape, of moderately firm texture, of medium size and well set-on. Blade begins at beak with one or two points, divides into two corresponding sides, with four to six points on each side, and ends in a single blade. Behind the comb is a small bunch of backward facing feathers forming a topin or tassel. Face fine smooth texture. Earlobes medium-sized smooth ovals. Wattles medium sized, well-rounded, and of fine texture.
Neck: Long and gracefully arched with flowing abundant hackle.
Legs and Feet: Thighs and shanks rather long and reachy. Fine round bone, free from feathers. Toes, normally four, medium length, well spread. Five toes are sometimes present.
General characteristics are similar to the male allowing for the natural sexual differences, with the exception of the comb which is smaller and more cup-like.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: very alert and active with a proud and upright bearing
Type: Body moderately narrow with a fine boned frame. Back of moderate length. Breast rounded but not prominent. Wings of moderate length carried well tucked up and close to body. Tail well-furnished and abundant. Sickles well arched long and flowing. Tail carriage well spread and high, not squirrel.
Head: Medium size. Beak medium length, strong, lightly curved. Eyes medium size and round. Comb is divided, i.e. an elongated cup shape, of moderately firm texture, of medium size and well set-on. Blade begins at beak with one or two points, divides into two corresponding sides, with four to six points on each side, and ends in a single blade. Behind the comb is a small bunch of backward facing feathers forming a topin or tassel. Face fine smooth texture. Earlobes medium-sized smooth ovals. Wattles medium sized, well-rounded, and of fine texture.
Neck: Long and gracefully arched with flowing abundant hackle.
Legs and Feet: Thighs and shanks rather long and reachy. Fine round bone, free from feathers. Toes, normally four, medium length, well spread. Five toes are sometimes present.
General characteristics are similar to the male allowing for the natural sexual differences, with the exception of the comb which is smaller and more cup-like.
Please contact the breed registrar for more information - [email protected]