An American breed created by Mrs Metcalf, originating in Ohio the 'Buckeye state' with a colour similar to the richly coloured Buck-eye nut. Their bloodline includes the Dark Indian (called Cornish in the USA), Black Red Game, Buff Cochin and Barred Plymouth Rock. In body shape as well as comb they resemble the early Indian Game of the 1905 period with stout muscular thighs, broad and well-rounded breast carried well up but without the extra breadth of shoulder of the Indian. An active dual purpose breed. Admitted to the American standard in 1904.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Upright commanding and courageous, a powerful bird, very active, sprightly and vigorous.
Type: Body rather long, broad, deep and full, heavy for size of bird, extending well forward of thighs. Keel bone, long and extending well forward. Back rather long, broad throughout its length, sloping slightly downward to base of tail. Saddle hackle medium in length, body fluff moderately full. Breast broad, deep, well rounded, carried somewhat elevated above the horizontal. Wings medium in size, well folded fronts covered by breast feathers, points by saddle feathers. Primaries and secondaries broad and overlapping in natural order when wing is folded. Tail medium in length carried forty degrees above horizontal. Main tail broad and overlapping. Sickles medium in length, nicely curved. Lesser sickles and coverts, nicely curved and sufficiently abundant to cover main tail feathers.
Head: Medium in size, carried well up. Beak short, stout, regularly curved. Eyes medium in size, with bold expression. Comb pea, medium in size, firm and set closely on head. Earlobes medium size. Face smooth. Wattles moderately small, well rounded, smooth.
Neck: Medium in length, well arched, tapering nicely. Hackle abundant, flowing well over shoulders.
Legs and feet: Legs set well apart, straight when viewed from front. Thighs medium in length, large, well and smoothly feathered. Shanks medium in length, stout, smooth and free of feathers, Toes, four on each foot, medium in length, straight, strong, well spread.
The general characteristics are similar to those of the male allowing for the natural sexual differences. The tail is however medium in length, fairly well-spread and carried at an angle of thirty degrees above horizontal.
Buckeye Bantams should follow exactly the large fowl standard.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Upright commanding and courageous, a powerful bird, very active, sprightly and vigorous.
Type: Body rather long, broad, deep and full, heavy for size of bird, extending well forward of thighs. Keel bone, long and extending well forward. Back rather long, broad throughout its length, sloping slightly downward to base of tail. Saddle hackle medium in length, body fluff moderately full. Breast broad, deep, well rounded, carried somewhat elevated above the horizontal. Wings medium in size, well folded fronts covered by breast feathers, points by saddle feathers. Primaries and secondaries broad and overlapping in natural order when wing is folded. Tail medium in length carried forty degrees above horizontal. Main tail broad and overlapping. Sickles medium in length, nicely curved. Lesser sickles and coverts, nicely curved and sufficiently abundant to cover main tail feathers.
Head: Medium in size, carried well up. Beak short, stout, regularly curved. Eyes medium in size, with bold expression. Comb pea, medium in size, firm and set closely on head. Earlobes medium size. Face smooth. Wattles moderately small, well rounded, smooth.
Neck: Medium in length, well arched, tapering nicely. Hackle abundant, flowing well over shoulders.
Legs and feet: Legs set well apart, straight when viewed from front. Thighs medium in length, large, well and smoothly feathered. Shanks medium in length, stout, smooth and free of feathers, Toes, four on each foot, medium in length, straight, strong, well spread.
The general characteristics are similar to those of the male allowing for the natural sexual differences. The tail is however medium in length, fairly well-spread and carried at an angle of thirty degrees above horizontal.
Buckeye Bantams should follow exactly the large fowl standard.
Please contact the breed registrar for more information