The Bresse-Gauloise, deriving its name from the territory south of Burgundy, is a fairly firmly established favourite in France, renowned for its table qualities. There have been many attempts to popularise the breed in this country, and it is strange that a bird of such potential should fail to make its mark; for it is not to be despised as a layer, and it is quick maturing and hardy. As to its failures as a table bird in Britain possibly an answer is to be found in the fact that it possesses shanks of a dark slate colour, and on this side of the Channel the prejudice against skin and legs of any colour other than white is extremely strong.
General Characteristics: male
Carriage: Active and graceful.
Type: Body fairly broad and compact. Breast well-rounded and deep. Moderately long back, broad shoulders and saddle. Long wings, carried closely to the body. Tail well developed and carried at an angle of 45 degrees from the back. Well-rounded sickle feathers.
Head: Medium sized. Beak strong and fairly short. Eyes bold. Comb single, erect, and of medium size, evenly serrated, fine texture, the back part of it (the heel) clear of the neck but following the curve of the head, free from “thumb marks” and side spikes. Face smooth and free from feathers. Earlobes well developed and rather pendant. Wattles of medium length, fine in quality and rounded at the ends.
Neck: Of medium length, amply furnished with hackle feathers.
Legs and Feet: Legs moderately long and well apart. Shanks free from feathers. Toes, four, straight and well spread.
With the exception of the comb which falls gracefully over either side of the face, the general characteristics are similar to those of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.
General Characteristics: male
Carriage: Active and graceful.
Type: Body fairly broad and compact. Breast well-rounded and deep. Moderately long back, broad shoulders and saddle. Long wings, carried closely to the body. Tail well developed and carried at an angle of 45 degrees from the back. Well-rounded sickle feathers.
Head: Medium sized. Beak strong and fairly short. Eyes bold. Comb single, erect, and of medium size, evenly serrated, fine texture, the back part of it (the heel) clear of the neck but following the curve of the head, free from “thumb marks” and side spikes. Face smooth and free from feathers. Earlobes well developed and rather pendant. Wattles of medium length, fine in quality and rounded at the ends.
Neck: Of medium length, amply furnished with hackle feathers.
Legs and Feet: Legs moderately long and well apart. Shanks free from feathers. Toes, four, straight and well spread.
With the exception of the comb which falls gracefully over either side of the face, the general characteristics are similar to those of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.
Please contact the breed registrar for more information - [email protected]