This breed, also having the name Guelderlanders and Kraaikoppen (Dutch for crow headed) has been known at least as far back as the 1840s. Although not widely bred outside their homeland, Bredas have been described in many poultry books as they have a unique feature in having no comb at all.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Moderately upright.
Type: The body and wings of a typical medium-weight breed, back fairly long. Breast rather full and well rounded. Tail large, full and well fanned, with the top line of the sickles carried at about 45 degrees above the horizontal at the junction with the back.
Head: Beak rather long, strong, well hooked. Nostrils with a long structure similar to that found on crested breeds. Comb entirely absent. The feathers on top of the head usually stand upright, but there must be no crest. Earlobes and wattles moderately large.
Neck: Medium length, well rounded and furnished.
Legs and Feet: Legs of above average length, with long vulture hocks. Feet have four toes with moderate feathering down shanks and on middle and outer toes.
Plumage: Moderately abundant, but not too fluffy.
Similar to the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences. However carriage is lower, and the breast is more prominent and rounded.
The description is as for large fowl
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Moderately upright.
Type: The body and wings of a typical medium-weight breed, back fairly long. Breast rather full and well rounded. Tail large, full and well fanned, with the top line of the sickles carried at about 45 degrees above the horizontal at the junction with the back.
Head: Beak rather long, strong, well hooked. Nostrils with a long structure similar to that found on crested breeds. Comb entirely absent. The feathers on top of the head usually stand upright, but there must be no crest. Earlobes and wattles moderately large.
Neck: Medium length, well rounded and furnished.
Legs and Feet: Legs of above average length, with long vulture hocks. Feet have four toes with moderate feathering down shanks and on middle and outer toes.
Plumage: Moderately abundant, but not too fluffy.
Similar to the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences. However carriage is lower, and the breast is more prominent and rounded.
The description is as for large fowl
Please contact the breed registrar for more information - [email protected]