This breed was developed from crosses with La Fleche and other breeds beginning in 1870 at Augsberg and the Black Forest area. The La Fleche gave the duplex gene for the distinctive cup comb of the Augsberger. They have a strong following among the German fanciers who appreciate both their attractive appearance and practical qualities of egg and meat production.
General Characteristics: male
Carriage: Somewhat upright
Type: Body medium sized, powerful and carried slightly sloping. Back broad, rather long, sloping moderately downwards. Breast full and broad, carried moderately high. Tail long, well furnished with broad long sickles and side hangers. Main tail fanned and carried well out. Wings neatly tucked under saddle hackle.
Head: medium sized, rather broad, face smooth. Earlobes smooth and oval in shape, wattles medium sized and rather thin. Comb of cup type: after one or two serrations at the front, the comb divides to form a cup, as upright as possible and appearing to be closed at the rear. The comb should be well serrated, and without excrescences in the centre. Eyes bright and prominent.
Neck: Of medium length, well feathered.
Legs and Feet: Legs of medium length. Shanks and toes (four) finely scaled with no trace of feathering.
Plumage: Fairly full and glossy.
With the exception of the tail, which is carried a little lower than the male, the general characteristics are the same, allowing for the natural sexual differences.
Augsberger bantams follow the large standard
General Characteristics: male
Carriage: Somewhat upright
Type: Body medium sized, powerful and carried slightly sloping. Back broad, rather long, sloping moderately downwards. Breast full and broad, carried moderately high. Tail long, well furnished with broad long sickles and side hangers. Main tail fanned and carried well out. Wings neatly tucked under saddle hackle.
Head: medium sized, rather broad, face smooth. Earlobes smooth and oval in shape, wattles medium sized and rather thin. Comb of cup type: after one or two serrations at the front, the comb divides to form a cup, as upright as possible and appearing to be closed at the rear. The comb should be well serrated, and without excrescences in the centre. Eyes bright and prominent.
Neck: Of medium length, well feathered.
Legs and Feet: Legs of medium length. Shanks and toes (four) finely scaled with no trace of feathering.
Plumage: Fairly full and glossy.
With the exception of the tail, which is carried a little lower than the male, the general characteristics are the same, allowing for the natural sexual differences.
Augsberger bantams follow the large standard
Please contact the breed registrar for more information