These are descendants of ancient country chickens kept in the Ardennes region of south-east Belgium. Moves to make them into a standard breed began in the 1880s, and a breed club was formed in 1893. Rumpless chickens have been recorded all over Europe for centuries, differing in details in each country. Georges Lamarche and Dr Van Bogaert refined their local version into standard Rumpless Ardenners in the 1920s. They are very active foragers, so large outside runs with high fences are essential. Ardenner is the Flemish name, Ardennaise being the French name for the breed in bi-lingual Belgium.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Proud and active.
Type: Substantial body, with a fanned tail. When standing normally, the back is slightly sloping, and the lower edge of the wing is parallel, with tips tucked under saddle hackles.
Head: Comb is single, medium in size and straight with 5-6 serrations, earlobes small and oval, wattles medium length and well rounded.
Neck: Long and well arched with long hackle feathers which flow well onto shoulders.
Legs and feet: Medium length, clean shanks and four toes.
The general characteristics are similar to the male, allowing for natural sexual differences. Comb is straight and upright, small to medium size.
Rumpless Ardenner, general characteristics: male and female
The same as normal Ardenner, except for complete absence of tail.
Ardenner bantams, in both normal and rumpless types, follow the large fowl standard.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Proud and active.
Type: Substantial body, with a fanned tail. When standing normally, the back is slightly sloping, and the lower edge of the wing is parallel, with tips tucked under saddle hackles.
Head: Comb is single, medium in size and straight with 5-6 serrations, earlobes small and oval, wattles medium length and well rounded.
Neck: Long and well arched with long hackle feathers which flow well onto shoulders.
Legs and feet: Medium length, clean shanks and four toes.
The general characteristics are similar to the male, allowing for natural sexual differences. Comb is straight and upright, small to medium size.
Rumpless Ardenner, general characteristics: male and female
The same as normal Ardenner, except for complete absence of tail.
Ardenner bantams, in both normal and rumpless types, follow the large fowl standard.
Please contact the breed registrar for more information - [email protected]